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The easiest way to "upgrade" you car from 70D or 85D to P85D. Letter P and Letter D, as same as original P85D logo, the back have 3M glue.
If you need number 100 please go this page: https://www.jpson.com/product/new-arrive-p100d-3d-car-logo-emblem-badge-sticker-chrome-letters-for-tesla-model-s_p1284.html
If you need number 9 and 0 please go this page: https://www.jpson.com/product/new-arrive-p90d-3d-car-logo-emblem-badge-sticker-chrome-letters-for-tesla-model-s_p1257.html
Need number 8 and 5 please go this page: https://www.jpson.com/product/p85d-85d-3d-chrome-number-car-emblem-badge-sticker-for-tesla-model-s_p1242.html
Adhesive sticker in the back
1 x Letter P badge
1 x Letter D badge